Studio Exakt & Creative Gateway's Journey: Bringing 3D Modeling to Kakuma Refugee Camp for the First Time!

a female student of the creative gateway program in kakuma refugee camp learning 3d modelling

Studio Exakt isn't your typical design studio. Under the leadership of Isac Lindberg, it's a dynamic team of forward-thinking designers.

What most don't immediately realize is that Studio Exakt has been an instrumental partner for the Creative Gateway project right from the start. Since the inception of our project, Studio Exakt has been actively involved, providing invaluable support and guidance not only to the technical team but also to the students themselves.

It's safe to say that our 3D modeling class couldn't have taken off the way it has without the unwavering support of Studio Exakt!

Their insights and guidance have ensured that the course meets the needs of the students and prepares them for real-world challenges in the industry.

But Studio Exakt's support goes beyond just the classroom.

Not too long ago, Alex Kurten had the opportunity to interview Isac Lindberg, the founder and major shareholder of Studio Exakt.  Here are some key insights from their conversation, shedding light on Studio Exakt's significant role in the Creative Gateway project.

Who are they?

Since its inception in 2020, Studio Exakt has rapidly evolved into a powerhouse, specializing in strategic thinking, industrial design, and cutting-edge 3D visualization. Located in Helsinki and Copenhagen, Studio Exakt breaks the mold of traditional design studios.

What sets Studio Exakt apart is not just its creative prowess but also its commitment to making a difference.

In what ways has studio exakt supported the Creative Gateway Project?

Studio Exakt has been a massive help for the Creative Gateway project in many ways. And at the risk of sounding like a broken record, we can't help but emphasize just how instrumental they've been.

They're masters of 3D modeling, with a deep understanding of the market's ins and outs.

With a knack for cutting-edge 3D modeling, they're not just shaping products – they're shaping the future of design itself. Whether working alongside startups or established enterprises, Studio Exakt is has quickly become the go-to partner for turning visionary ideas into reality.

So, when it came to crafting the curriculum for the first-ever Creative Gateway's 3D modeling program, Studio Exakt's expertise was like striking gold.

As we embarked on our first-ever course, many uncertainties were looming ahead.  However, one thing we were certain of was that our journey would be smoother with the guidance of experienced partners like Studio Exakt.

Their wealth of experience helped us navigate the unknown terrain, outlining where to begin and what essential elements to include in a condensed yet impactful course. They played a pivotal role in developing a comprehensive template for the 3D course, which served as a blueprint for the Creative Kakuma team.

This template guided us in shaping the final structure of the eight-week program. With their insights, we crafted a curriculum that was not only valuable and practical but also concise enough to be completed in a few short weeks, allowing graduates to swiftly transition into earning opportunities.

While the idea may sound straightforward in hindsight, the reality was far from easy. It was an uphill climb for the Creative Gateway project, but with the unwavering support and expertise from Studio Exakt, we overcame obstacles and achieved remarkable success.

Isac has also provided invaluable guidance to the students, drawing from Studio Exakt's own experiences to help them navigate potential pitfalls and challenges.

 Why did Studio Exakt get involved?

Studio Exakt was intrigued by the ambitious goals of the Creative Kakuma project and the innovative use of 3D modeling in Kakuma, which motivated them to lend their support. According to Isac, they were also impressed by Ambitious Africa's well-planned initiative and clear long-term strategy, which gave them the confidence to invest their time and resources.

Being a small studio, Studio Exakt needed assurance that their efforts would make a difference. When Ambitious Africa approached them with a project already in motion and showing progress, it confirmed that their involvement would be worthwhile.

In Isac's own words, being involved in the project has been incalculable.

He expressed, "It's something you can't put a price on – the feeling that you're able to help, and hopefully even change someone's life."

Isac emphasized that Studio Exakt's involvement in the project wasn't driven by a desire to enhance its image or for marketing purposes. Instead, their motivation stemmed from a genuine commitment to supporting a good cause.

For Studio Exakt, being part of the project has been an enriching learning experience. According to Isac, it's about more than just business—it's about making a meaningful difference in the lives of others while gaining valuable insights and knowledge along the way.

Exciting Future Collaborative Plans

Looking ahead, Studio Exakt is thrilled about the possibilities for collaboration with the graduates of the Creative Gateway program. One particularly exciting prospect is to engage them as independent freelancers for real-world projects.

This arrangement not only empowers the students to hone their skills and expertise as freelancers and 3D designers but also energizes Studio Exakt with fresh talent and perspectives.

By fostering this dynamic partnership, both sides stand to gain invaluable experiences, opportunities, and achievements, driving innovation and creativity to new heights.

Final thoughts

In closing, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Isac Lindberg and Studio Exakt for their unwavering support of Ambitious Africa and the Creative Kakuma project. Studio Exakt’s dedication, expertise, and generosity have been indispensable in shaping the success of this initiative.

From guiding our students to shaping the course curriculum, their contributions have laid the foundation for meaningful change and empowerment within the Kakuma refugee camp community. We couldn't have gotten this far without their invaluable assistance.

As we move forward, we are excited to continue our collaboration and witness the positive impact it will have on the lives of aspiring creatives in Kakuma and beyond. However, our journey doesn't end here.

We recognize the importance of having even more partners like Isac Lindberg and Studio Exakt to further our mission and reach even greater heights of success.

If you're a design studio or creative agency looking to make a difference, we invite you to join us in our endeavor to empower refugee youth through mentorship and support. Together, we can create opportunities for growth, learning, and positive change that extend far beyond the borders of Kakuma.


Thriving in 2024: Ambitious Africa's unstoppable journey continues!